
Hello there. hope you are enjoying our server. For support please join our discord. Feedbacks are also appreciated.


What to do upon entering the server: Read signs and follow them. It's best to use /tpr when exiting out of spawn for beginners.

Land claims are the standard way of protecting your builds. /warp landclaim /ps view to show the range of protection or use the feather given /ps for more commands and their description

Server currently offers the following:

Extreme server shop with ALL minecraft items

Hopper sorting using itemframes

Lots of fun custom enchantments

Fun ways of gaining money

Auction House, Mob disguises, Custom weapon/armor, and many many more.


Prefix and Suffix all have limited customization. In game money is granted at the time of obtaining the rank, through RNG.

No Rank/Guest
Method to Obtain: Joined Server

  • Access to place One grief prevention land claims 16x16x16.
  • Access to place One permanent grief and thief protection land claim block area 6x6x6.
  • Access to place One permanent ultimate grief protection land claim block area 72x256x72.
  • Access to the /ps command. Protection land claim management.
    Add/remove players using /ps add playername, /ps remove playername. List locations of claim using /ps list.
  • Access to the /fly command. Allows you to fly without being kicked for floating in air using client.
  • Keep Inventory on in the nether.
  • Access to McMMO commands.
    /mcstats - View all your McMMO stats on a scoreboard. /stats - View all stats in a custom Menu.
  • Access to /kit command. All kits are available for everyone.
  • Access to /ah command. Servers Auction House.
  • Access to the /repair command. Repairs the durability of one item for $10000.
  • Access to the /upgrade command. Options for upgrading items with enchantments.
  • Access to the /vote command. Voting yields bulk crate keys.
  • Access to the /shop command. Spend in the servers item shop with your earned money.
  • Access to the /back command. Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp/death.
  • Access to the /bal command. States the current balance of a player.
  • Access to the /clearinventory command. Clear all items in your inventory.
  • Access to the /sethome command. Set home to your current location.
  • Access to the /delhome command. Removes a home specified.
  • Access to the /home command. Teleport to your home.
  • Access to the /ignore command. Ignore or unignore other players.
  • Access to the /msg command. Sends a private message to the specified player.
  • Access to the /pay command. Pays another player from your balance.
  • Access to the /recipe command. Displays how to craft items.
  • Access to the /rest command. Rests you.
  • Access to the /sell command. Sells the item currently in your hand.
  • Access to the /spawn command. Teleport to the server spawn.
  • Access to the /suicide command. Causes you to perish.
  • Access to the /time command. Display the world time. Defaults to current world.
  • Access to the /tpask command. Request to teleport to the specified player.
  • Access to the /tpahere command. Request that the specified player teleport to you.
  • Access to the /tppos x y z command. Teleport to coordinates.
  • Access to the /wild command. Teleport randomly.
  • Access to the /warp command. List all warps or warp to the specified location.
  • Access to the /workbench command. Opens up a workbench.
  • Access to the /worth command. Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.
  • Access to the /jobs command. Jobs menu information.
  • Access to the /quests command. Quests menu for rewards and challenges.
  • Access to the /em command. EliteMobs PVE stats and info.
  • Access to the /bal command. States the current balance of a player.
  • Access to the /exp command. Returns your players exp and amount to level up.
  • [Member]
    Method to Obtain: Played on Server for atleast 4 hours. Playtime in /menu

  • Access to place Ten permanent grief prevention land claims 16x16x16.
  • Access to place One permanent grief and thief protection land claim block area 6x6x6.
  • Access to place One permanent ultimate grief protection land claim block area 72x256x72.
  • Ability keep exp on death, instead of dropping it.
  • Access to the /compass command. Displays your current bearing in the world.
  • Access to the /getpos command. Displays your current coordinate location in the world.
  • Access to the /setwarp command. Defines a new warp location.
  • Access to the /depth command. Displays your current block depth.
  • Access to the /sethome command. Set your home location.
  • Access to the /home command. Teleports you home.
  • Access to the /delhome command. Removes a home.
  • Access to the /enderchest command. Allows you to see the contents of your enderchest.
  • Access to the /world command. Allows you to teleport to world, world_nether.
  • Access to the /tptoggle command. Toggleable ability for others to send you teleport request.
  • [Supporter]
    Method to Obtain: Signed On and played for more than 30days.

  • Permission to color your chat messages using color codes, including hex colors (New in 1.16.X). Format is '&#RRGGBB'.
  • Access to place 6 more grief prevention land claim (16 total).
  • Access to the /repair all command. Repairs the durability of all items for $30000.
  • Access to the /clearinventoryconfirmtoggle command. Toggleable confirmation for /clearinventory.
  • Access to /home bed. Teleports you to your bed you slept in. Seperate from /home.
  • Access to the /ext command. Extinguish a player who is on fire.
  • Access to the /stonecutter command. Opens up a stonecutter.
  • Access to the /grindstone command. Opens up a grindstone.
  • Access to the /anvil command. Opens up a anvil.
  • Access to the /feed command. Fills your hunger points.
  • Access to the /world command. Allows you to teleport to world,world_nether,worth_the_end.
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse
  • [Exclusive Member]
    Method to Obtain: Signed On for more than 30days and voted daily for 300 vote counts.

  • Access to two sethomes and your /home bed.
  • Access to the /heal command. Heals yourself to full health points.
  • Access to the /loom command. Opens up a loom.
  • Access to the /skull command. Spawns your own player head.
  • Access to the /cartographytable command. Opens up a cartography table.
  • Access to the /eenchant command.
    Enchants the item the user is holding for $8000: Protection 4|Projectile Protection 4|Blast Protection 4|Fire Protection 4|Respiration 3|Aqua Affinity|Thorns 3|Feather Falling 4|Depth Strider 3|Frost Walker 2|Soul Speed 3|Sharpness 5 |Smite 5|Bane of Arthropods 5|Sweeping Edge 3|Looting 3|Fire Aspect 2|Knockback 2|Efficiency 5|Silk Touch|Fortune 3|Power 5|Infinity|Flame|Punch 2|Quick Charge 3|Multishot|Piercing 4|Loyalty 3|Channeling|Riptide 3|Unbreaking 3|Impaling 5|Luck of the Sea 3|Lure 3|Blast Mining 3|Divine Touch 3|Haste 3|Lucky Miner 3| Smelter 7|Telekinesis 3|Treasures 4|Blindness 3|Confusion 3|Criticals 3|Cutter 5|Double Strike 4|Executioner 4|Exhaust 2| Exp Hunter 6|Ice Aspect 3|Rage 2|Rocket 4|Paralyze 2|Pigificator 5|Scavenger 4|Surprise 3|Thrifty 3|Thunder 3|Vampire 4|Venom 2|Village Defender 4|Wither 2|Aquaman|Bunny Hop 3|Cold Steel 4|Flame Walker 3|Hardened 3|Night Vision|Saturation 2|Self-Destruction 3|Sonic 3|Poisoned Arrows 3|Withered Arrows 3|Explosive Arrows 3|Ghast|Bomber 3|Ender Bow
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep
  • [Leprechaun]
    Method to Obtain: Events and Contests

  • Access to three sethomes and your /home bed.
  • Access to place 14 more grief prevention land claim (30 total)
  • Access to the /skull playername command. Spawns a players heads.
  • Access to the /spawner command. Change the mob type of a spawner for $20000 cost: Blaze|Drowned|ElderGuardian|Endermite|Evoker|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|MagmaCube|Pillager|Ravager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|Zoglin|Zombie
  • Access to the /spawnmob command. Allows you to spawn a specified mob for $10000 cost: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cod|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Rabbit|SalmonSheep|SkeletonHorse|SnowGolem|Squid|Strider|TropicalFish|Turtle|WanderingTrader|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|ElderGuardian|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|MagmaCube|Phantom|Pillager|Ravager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|SkeletonHorseman|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|WitherSkeleton|Zoglin|Zombie
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader
  • [Alexandrite]
    Method to Obtain:

  • Access to four sethomes and your /home bed.
  • Further enhancement on /upgrade limitbreaking.
  • Access to create [Protection] signs to lock chests and other accessible inventories
  • Permission to color your chat messages using color codes, including hex colors (New in 1.16.X). Format is '&#RRGGBB'
  • Access to place 10 more grief prevention land claim (40 total)
  • Access to /butcher command. Removes mobs in your world.
  • Access to /top command. Teleport to the highest block at your current position.
  • Access to /jump command. Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
  • One more permanent grief and thief protection beacon block area 5x5 (two in total)
  • Access to the /me command. Describes an action in the context of yourself.
  • Access to the /playerparticles:pp gui command. Able to set cosemetic effects on your character, Tons of Selections.
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama
  • [Beryl]
    Method to Obtain:

  • Access to five sethomes and your /home bed.
  • Acess to /ptime command. Adjust your clients time.
  • Acess to /pweather command. Adjust your clients weather.
  • Access to the /powertool command. Assigns a command to the item in hand. Use 'c:' as the command to make a chat macro. Use 'a:' to append multiple commands. Use 'r:' to remove a single command. Use 'l:' to list all power tools Use 'd:' to remove all power tools
  • Access to the /powertooltoggle command. Enables or disables all current powertools.
  • Access to the /seen command. Shows the last logout/login time of a player.
  • Access to the /hat command. Get some cool new cosmetic headgear.
  • Access to the /pet command. Able to summon passive mob pets that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin
  • [Jadeite]
    Method to Obtain:

  • Access to six sethomes and your /home bed.
  • Access to the /itemname command. Renames the item your currently holding. Leave name empty to reset. You can add in RBG color codes '&#RRGGBB'
  • Access to the /itemlore command. Edit the lore of an item your currently holding. You can add in RBG color codes '&#RRGGBB'
  • Access to the /firework command. Allows you to modify fireworks to include various colors and patterns
  • Access to the /collector buy command. Menu that allows the purchasing of a drop collector hopper or crop collector hopper. Picks up items in the chunk and sells them, unable to take collected items out however.
  • Access to the Panda pet that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|Magma Cube|Phantom|Piglin Brute|Pillager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton
  • [Trillium]
    Method to Obtain:

  • Removal of /sell command, Given coordinates of server owner property in game
  • Access to the /kittycannon command. Throw an exploding kitten animation at your opponent.
  • Access to the /beecannon command. Throw an exploding bee animation at your opponent.
  • Access to the /condense command. Auto craft items into more compact blocks
  • Access to stacked modification further compacting.
  • Additional pets in the /pet command. Able to summon passive/hostile mob pets that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
  • Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|Magma Cube|Phantom|Piglin Brute|Pillager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|Wither Skeleton|Zoglin|Zombie|Zombie Villager