Hello there. hope you are enjoying our server. For support please join our discord. Feedbacks are also appreciated.
What to do upon entering the server: Read signs and follow them. It's best to use /tpr when exiting out of spawn for beginners.
Land claims are the standard way of protecting your builds. /warp landclaim /ps view to show the range of protection or use the feather given /ps for more commands and their description
Server currently offers the following:
Extreme server shop with ALL minecraft items
Hopper sorting using itemframes
Lots of fun custom enchantments
Fun ways of gaining money
Auction House, Mob disguises, Custom weapon/armor, and many many more.
Prefix and Suffix all have limited customization. In game money is granted at the time of obtaining the rank, through RNG.
No Rank/Guest Method to Obtain: Joined Server
Access to place One grief prevention land claims 16x16x16.
Access to place One permanent grief and thief protection land claim block area 6x6x6.
Access to place One permanent ultimate grief protection land claim block area 72x256x72.
Access to the /ps command. Protection land claim management. Add/remove players using /ps add playername, /ps remove playername. List locations of claim using /ps list.
Access to the /fly command. Allows you to fly without being kicked for floating in air using client.
Keep Inventory on in the nether.
Access to McMMO commands. /mcstats - View all your McMMO stats on a scoreboard. /stats - View all stats in a custom Menu.
Access to /kit command. All kits are available for everyone.
Access to /ah command. Servers Auction House.
Access to the /repair command. Repairs the durability of one item for $10000.
Access to the /upgrade command. Options for upgrading items with enchantments.
Access to the /vote command. Voting yields bulk crate keys.
Access to the /shop command. Spend in the servers item shop with your earned money.
Access to the /back command. Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp/death.
Access to the /bal command. States the current balance of a player.
Access to the /clearinventory command. Clear all items in your inventory.
Access to the /sethome command. Set home to your current location.
Access to the /delhome command. Removes a home specified.
Access to the /home command. Teleport to your home.
Access to the /ignore command. Ignore or unignore other players.
Access to the /msg command. Sends a private message to the specified player.
Access to the /pay command. Pays another player from your balance.
Access to the /recipe command. Displays how to craft items.
Access to the /rest command. Rests you.
Access to the /sell command. Sells the item currently in your hand.
Access to the /spawn command. Teleport to the server spawn.
Access to the /suicide command. Causes you to perish.
Access to the /time command. Display the world time. Defaults to current world.
Access to the /tpask command. Request to teleport to the specified player.
Access to the /tpahere command. Request that the specified player teleport to you.
Access to the /tppos x y z command. Teleport to coordinates.
Access to the /wild command. Teleport randomly.
Access to the /warp command. List all warps or warp to the specified location.
Access to the /workbench command. Opens up a workbench.
Access to the /worth command. Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.
Access to the /jobs command. Jobs menu information.
Access to the /quests command. Quests menu for rewards and challenges.
Access to the /em command. EliteMobs PVE stats and info.
Access to the /bal command. States the current balance of a player.
Access to the /exp command. Returns your players exp and amount to level up.
[Member] Method to Obtain: Played on Server for atleast 4 hours. Playtime in /menu
Access to place Ten permanent grief prevention land claims 16x16x16.
Access to place One permanent grief and thief protection land claim block area 6x6x6.
Access to place One permanent ultimate grief protection land claim block area 72x256x72.
Ability keep exp on death, instead of dropping it.
Access to the /compass command. Displays your current bearing in the world.
Access to the /getpos command. Displays your current coordinate location in the world.
Access to the /setwarp command. Defines a new warp location.
Access to the /depth command. Displays your current block depth.
Access to the /sethome command. Set your home location.
Access to the /home command. Teleports you home.
Access to the /delhome command. Removes a home.
Access to the /enderchest command. Allows you to see the contents of your enderchest.
Access to the /world command. Allows you to teleport to world, world_nether.
Access to the /tptoggle command. Toggleable ability for others to send you teleport request.
[Supporter] Method to Obtain: Signed On and played for more than 30days.
Permission to color your chat messages using color codes, including hex colors (New in 1.16.X). Format is '&#RRGGBB'.
Access to place 6 more grief prevention land claim (16 total).
Access to the /repair all command. Repairs the durability of all items for $30000.
Access to the /clearinventoryconfirmtoggle command. Toggleable confirmation for /clearinventory.
Access to /home bed. Teleports you to your bed you slept in. Seperate from /home.
Access to the /ext command. Extinguish a player who is on fire.
Access to the /stonecutter command. Opens up a stonecutter.
Access to the /grindstone command. Opens up a grindstone.
Access to the /anvil command. Opens up a anvil.
Access to the /feed command. Fills your hunger points.
Access to the /world command. Allows you to teleport to world,world_nether,worth_the_end.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse
[Exclusive Member] Method to Obtain: Signed On for more than 30days and voted daily for 300 vote counts.
Access to two sethomes and your /home bed.
Access to the /heal command. Heals yourself to full health points.
Access to the /loom command. Opens up a loom.
Access to the /skull command. Spawns your own player head.
Access to the /cartographytable command. Opens up a cartography table.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep
[Leprechaun] Method to Obtain: Events and Contests
Access to three sethomes and your /home bed.
Access to place 14 more grief prevention land claim (30 total)
Access to the /skull playername command. Spawns a players heads.
Access to the /spawner command. Change the mob type of a spawner for $20000 cost: Blaze|Drowned|ElderGuardian|Endermite|Evoker|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|MagmaCube|Pillager|Ravager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|Zoglin|Zombie
Access to the /spawnmob command. Allows you to spawn a specified mob for $10000 cost: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cod|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Rabbit|SalmonSheep|SkeletonHorse|SnowGolem|Squid|Strider|TropicalFish|Turtle|WanderingTrader|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|ElderGuardian|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|MagmaCube|Phantom|Pillager|Ravager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|SkeletonHorseman|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|WitherSkeleton|Zoglin|Zombie
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader
[Alexandrite] Method to Obtain:
Access to four sethomes and your /home bed.
Further enhancement on /upgrade limitbreaking.
Access to create [Protection] signs to lock chests and other accessible inventories
Permission to color your chat messages using color codes, including hex colors (New in 1.16.X). Format is '&#RRGGBB'
Access to place 10 more grief prevention land claim (40 total)
Access to /butcher command. Removes mobs in your world.
Access to /top command. Teleport to the highest block at your current position.
Access to /jump command. Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
One more permanent grief and thief protection beacon block area 5x5 (two in total)
Access to the /me command. Describes an action in the context of yourself.
Access to the /playerparticles:pp gui command. Able to set cosemetic effects on your character, Tons of Selections.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama
[Beryl] Method to Obtain:
Access to five sethomes and your /home bed.
Acess to /ptime command. Adjust your clients time.
Acess to /pweather command. Adjust your clients weather.
Access to the /powertool command. Assigns a command to the item in hand. Use 'c:' as the command to make a chat macro. Use 'a:' to append multiple commands. Use 'r:' to remove a single command. Use 'l:' to list all power tools Use 'd:' to remove all power tools
Access to the /powertooltoggle command. Enables or disables all current powertools.
Access to the /seen command. Shows the last logout/login time of a player.
Access to the /hat command. Get some cool new cosmetic headgear.
Access to the /pet command. Able to summon passive mob pets that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin
[Jadeite] Method to Obtain:
Access to six sethomes and your /home bed.
Access to the /itemname command. Renames the item your currently holding. Leave name empty to reset. You can add in RBG color codes '&#RRGGBB'
Access to the /itemlore command. Edit the lore of an item your currently holding. You can add in RBG color codes '&#RRGGBB'
Access to the /firework command. Allows you to modify fireworks to include various colors and patterns
Access to the /collector buy command. Menu that allows the purchasing of a drop collector hopper or crop collector hopper. Picks up items in the chunk and sells them, unable to take collected items out however.
Access to the Panda pet that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|Magma Cube|Phantom|Piglin Brute|Pillager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton
[Trillium] Method to Obtain:
Removal of /sell command, Given coordinates of server owner property in game
Access to the /kittycannon command. Throw an exploding kitten animation at your opponent.
Access to the /beecannon command. Throw an exploding bee animation at your opponent.
Access to the /condense command. Auto craft items into more compact blocks
Access to stacked modification further compacting.
Additional pets in the /pet command. Able to summon passive/hostile mob pets that you can ride, following you around, and never leave your side unless commanded to by you.
Access to /disguise command. Disguise yourself as a: Bat|Cat|Chicken|Cow|Donkey|Fox|Horse|Mooshroom|Mule|Ocelot|Parrot|Pig|Polar Bear|Rabbit|Sheep|Snow Golem|Squid|Strider|Turtle|Villager|Wandering Trader|Bee|Cave Spider|Dolphin|Enderman|Iron Golem|Llama|Panda|Polar Bear|Pufferfish|Spider|Wolf|Zombified Piglin|Blaze|Creeper|Drowned|Endermite|Evoker|Ghast|Guardian|Hoglin|Husk|Magma Cube|Phantom|Piglin Brute|Pillager|Shulker|Silverfish|Skeleton|Slime|Stray|Vex|Vindicator|Witch|Wither Skeleton|Zoglin|Zombie|Zombie Villager